Below you will find a list of frequently asked questions from our clients. If your question is not in this list please contact us directly and we will be happy to help.
Where do I go?
We have three buildings on site. The Main Cabin is where you will find the Main Reception and the Pilates Room. The Cabin Hall is where we hold our Yoga classes, workshops and events. The Suites is where all our beautiful therapists work.
When are you open?
The Main Reception is open from 7.30am - 11am Monday - Saturday and 4pm - 7.30pm Monday - Thursday. The Suites are open by appointment only.
Where can I park?
Parking during the hours of 8am - 5pm is strictly limited to the Wellwood car park (located at the end of our driveway) or on the Street. Parking within the carpark of 3916 (next door) during 8am - 5pm Monday - Friday wlil result in your car being towed.
How can I book a class?
To book a class, simply download our FREE Wellwood Health app or head to the book a class page on our website, find a class you like, click the 'BOOK NOW' button, sign up or sign into your account and proceed to payment.
Can I come casually or do I have to be a member?
We offer clients casual passes, class packs and membership options. We have something to suit everyones needs.
How long until the packs expire?
We have a variety of class packs that last anywhere between 30 days and 3 months. Be sure to check details when purchasing.
I’m a beginner, do your classes suit beginners?
Yes absoloutly! Our classes are suitable to all ages and fitness levels. Each trainer offers beginner, intermediate and advanced exercises options in each class.
I’m Pregnant, Can I still Come To Class?
Providing you are cleared to exercise form your Dr then YES, you can come along to either a Pilates Reformer class or a Pilates Freestyle class. Their may be other classes you can attend also however these options can be discussed after your first class once your instructor has met with you.
Whats the difference between your classes?
We have such a variety of classes here at Wellwood, be sure to check out our class descriptions under the classes tab.
Do new clients get a discount?
Why yes they do! All new clients receive 50% off their first class. Simply look for the 'New Client' specials at checkout.
Are your memberships contracted?
We have NO CONTRACTS! All our memberships are contract free, cancel anytime with 4-weeks notice and new members can cancel anytime in the first month. For a full list of our T&C's click the below link. Membership T&C's