With Yoga becoming more popular, there has been a rapid increase in the number of brands selling products related to it, which include Yoga Mats, Yoga Blocks, Yoga Pants, even Yoga Socks. If we take a deeper look into the origins of the practice, however, we will be surprised to find that all of [...]
Have you heard about Pilates but still not convinced as to why you should add it to your weekly fitness routine? here are four great reasons why Pilates is so good for your body and the many benefits thats come with regular practice. 1. Body alignment Pilates exercise ensures that the body [...]
Joseph Pilates created a form of exercise called Pilates. Pilates emphasises the balanced development of the body through flexibility, awareness, and core strength to support graceful and efficient movements. Pilates has become one of the most popular exercise programs in Australia. Everywhere you [...]
Life is busy –Too busy most days, almost like time is speeding up. We want things now. We want things yesterday. We want things fast. With the evolvement of mobile phones, internet and other modern tools, we are constantly being bombarded with outside stimulus. And when we are not being [...]
Responsibility the state or fact of being responsible, answerable, or accountable for something within one’s power, control, or management. an instance of being responsible Many of us never truly learn this precious truth. Blaming everything and everyone else [...]
The aim of the Sacred Subconscious Academy© is to produce caring, skilled and ethical practitioners that will benefit human-kind. Elizabeth Wey, MHs.B, founder of the academy, has developed a [...]
Have you ever, used your will power to achieve an outcome, I have when I was about 25 years old I used to be a smoker. I had tried on numerous times to give it up, sometimes I would succeed for 6 months, 12 months and then I would be out in a social situation and everyone else was smoking and [...]
Matthew, a Master Shaman, is a facilitator of healing, awareness and spiritual growth. He speaks the (vibrational) language of the heart. Often, when people hear him speak they say, “I did not understand what you were saying but at the same time I felt I knew what you were saying.” Some [...]
Svadhyaya is one of the Niyamas (restraint to cultivate inner integrity) of the 8 Limbs of Yoga and focuses on learning, knowledge and particularly self-awareness and a deep knowledge of our innate character as an integral aspect of our growth as a Yogi and as a human being. The cultivating of [...]
Time is on top of the mind of many researchers and in fact, New Scientist (2017, Vol 234, Issue 3128) includes a fascinating article about ‘All the time in the world’ in which Anil Ananthaswamy reviews neuroscientist Dean Buonomano’s book ‘ Your Brain is a Time Machine’. Perhaps the book [...]