Femme Body is an Australian designed boutique, luxury active wear label for the conscious woman embracing health, fitness + overall balance in her life. Our collections combine feminine, functional innovative designs crafted with high performance, luxe fabrications. All items are cut + designed [...]
Digestion’s one of those bodily functions we tend to take for granted… until it’s not working properly. Imagine your digestive tract’s like a creek. When it’s flowing freely, the fresh clear water’s keeps everything within and around it healthy. When the flow’s obstructed, the water [...]
I was born in Belarus, living in Australia sins 2005. My creations express my knowledge and skills through the integration of two cultures. In my early childhood I used to be very creative and I would draw, paint and create things with my hands with every opportunity. Also, I was lucky to meet very [...]
In October I had a funeral for my past – a letting go in order to fully live and embrace my future from a clear slate. On that day it marked a closing off some old chapters of my life so that I could write the new ones with a clean page and new pen! As you may or may not know I had a marriage [...]
One of the biggest problems we have in our world is a lack of self-respect and self-love. Because the ego projects everything outside of itself; we tend to desire respect and love from others without giving it to our self first. This is problematic because we are expecting others to give us, what [...]
As a child I always enjoyed being active. I would like to try different sports, and although I wasn’t always very good at them I liked to give things a go. I think I just liked to move. I’ve tried my hand at tennis, soccer, netball, cross country, basketball, volleyball, swimming, cricket, [...]
Have you wondered what is unique about you? There is a lot of course, just think about your DNA. Really, when you take a moment to look at what is unique about a person what if we considered the true value of uniqueness. Kosuke Takemura (Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Vol 45, 10, 2014) [...]
Yin & Yang are opposites that create balance in Life. One cannot exist without the other. One gives value to the other. When ‘Yin’ is slow cool & still, ‘Yang’ is fast, hot & moving. Yang Yoga is movement of blood through the muscles contracting. Sometimes elevating the [...]
Traditional Chinese medicine is one of the most ancient forms of medicine and is constantly evolving and adapting to suit your individual needs. After studying for many years to become confident in this art of medicine, I realised that I needed to help my patients to prevent their aches and pains [...]
In the years I saw clients as a nutritionist, I saw several common deficiencies. I was interesting to see their both surprising symptoms and their impact quality of life, career performance and everything in between. I loved getting to see the tremendous improvements all aspect of clients’ [...]