One of the biggest problems we have in our world is a lack of self-respect and self-love. Because the ego projects everything outside of itself; we tend to desire respect and love from others without giving it to our self first. This is problematic because we are expecting others to give us, what they too have not developed for themselves.
Until we become conscious of this behavioural pattern within the human psyche, we will continue to create a cycle of pain and lack of authenticity because we are not aligned with OUR souls heart felt intentions!
Unfortunately, many of us have allowed our self to become aligned with someone else’s projected egoic desires and expectations they should put on themselves, but have projected onto us. For example, “How many times have you disrespected your self by putting other people’s dreams and desires ahead of your own?”
Humans who are not aligned with the power of their souls heartfelt desires become very demanding on others to do the job for them! They will project all of their issues onto everyone outside of themselves expecting others to fulfil their needs, and oftentimes their very own dreams, so they can live vicariously through our energy stream and us.
Victim consciousness and the need to save and fix others by sacrificing our own happiness is the old energy paradigm that will not work anymore. If you continue to support the negative belief system of sacrifice and saving others, you will find your self in a tremendous amount of chaos.
There is no need for anyone to sacrifice his or her heart’s desires for someone else. Each one of us has come into this life to fulfil our own souls divine plan. When we are aligned with our truth, joy, happiness and heartfelt desires we empower others to align with their soul power and soul joy as well. We’re being asked to step into our own power and align with our own souls wisdom. We can no longer reside in victim consciousness expecting others to do for us what we can do for our SELF. We must BE and SEE everyone as the powerful creators that we truly are.
The best way to help others is to be so aligned with the intuition of our own soul that we will know, with great clarity, when it is a heartfelt desire to “be of service” to others and when it is a heart felt desire to allow others the opportunity to “grow themselves.” We can’t honour the God or Goddess in each being, and also take their power away by doing everything for them. We are in the time of empowerment and transparency. It is time for each one of us to accept responsibility for the SELF. Our own health, happiness, joys, and our own soul’s mission. For it is when each person accepts responsibility for the SELF, their own energy, and their own ascending consciousness that this planet will heal and transform with great rapidity. We are the ones we have been waiting for. Become your own best friend.
Jill Genet
Founder & National Red Tent Co-ordinator
Red Tent provide women with a sacred, nurturing space to learn, heal, connect with others and connect with themselves. Logan Red Tent meet on a Sunday evening once a month in the Wellwood Health Cabin Hall. You can view their next event via their Website, Red Tent Logan.