Breaking into the industry
I began my studies in Nutrition in 2009 and soon followed it with my fitness qualification in 2010, as back then there was a huge gap between the two industries. I entered the industry a fairly typical self confessed health and fitness nut, Because I thought in order for me to be in the industry- I had to be this way.
I thought that to have good health and fitness, you had to train your body nearly every day. You had to push your limits, you had to sweat, you had to deprive yourself, you had to cut out gluten, dairy, sugar, additives and preservatives. You had to eat only organic foods, spending hours in the supermarket reading every label was normal and walking was lazy- because I should have been running.
You can understand were I am going with this…?
I started to question this lifestyle
Over the years I started to question this lifestyle. My body started wearing down, I constantly had an injury, I would sleep for up to 15 hours straight on my days off, I would binge eat; the list goes on and on!
I was physically and mentally exhausted, yet physically and mentally fit; all at the same time. I could feel muscles breaking down while I was running, but I was so mentally fit that I would keep going. My body and mind were constantly in the fight and flight mode, which is dangerous. This is an extremely powerful response the body creates for us in times of need, but to be in this state constantly is dangerous. It is linked to a large number conditions and diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, panic attacks, anxiety, thyroid disorders and break downs.
It wasn’t until this moment that I started to question my health and fitness, and slowly started to take a different approach.
You see, society likes to generalise what it means to be healthy, fit and well. It likes to put everything into boxes of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ and it likes to tell us that this is what the term ‘healthy, fit and well’ means and this is what you have to do to achieve it.
It’s easier to make a blanket option for all of us because it’s easier to market to the industry that way, you see..
Just like the beauty industry tries to set the standard for what it means to be ‘beautiful’, the health and fitness industry are not to far behind. Its sad, disappointing, and frustrating, as it leaves the general public in a constant state of guilt because we don’t fit the industry made standards. We are not ‘there’, Wherever ‘there’ is, and we cop a lot of pressure in the process of getting ‘there’.
To be healthy, fit and well is as unique to us as our DNA. It is very personal, as no two of you are the same; So why do we think that what works for this person, will work for that person..?
Being Fit
Being Healthy
Being Well
The meaning of all that… is so simple its actually annoying! (lol).
The meaning of true health and wellbeing is to come back to ones-self.
Your true self.
Back to you.
What makes you feel fit?
What makes you feel healthy?
What makes you feel well?
What makes you feel your best?
For me it is travel, juicing, food, food, food, home made food and Sleep. It’s Pilates & recently some yoga, the ocean- but not the waves, mountains, fresh air and winter clothes & boots; I looove piecing winter outfits together and popping on a pair of my favourite boots- It just makes me feel good!
It’s also camping, walking my dogs, walking in general, hanging out with my dogs, being around the people that are my tribe; my people..It’s driving absolutely no were with my husband and it’s a god damn good cup of coffee! Now that- I feel that one in my soul..
Now, before you start to think, ‘come back to reality lady!’; These things don’t all have to be done at one time, but one of the things has to be done everyday.
So, I want you to write down on a card or piece of paper, what it means to you to come back to self. You can write one word or even write a small novel- it doesn’t matter. Just write something down, pop it somewhere safe and read it whenever you are feeling unhealthy, unfit or unwell. Whenever you find yourself feeling like this- reflect. Ask yourself, ‘How far away am I from myself..?’.
Sometimes life sends us on some crazy and challenging journeys and we find that we get so far away from our true selves, that finding our way back becomes overwhelming. You don’t know were to start.. you may not even know what does make you feel like you- and that’s okay! We have probably all been there once or twice, and we will probably all be there again.
If you feel as though you are a little lost and overwhelmed with life right now and you need to find a way to ‘come back to self’, Wellwood Health would like to help.
Contact one of our friendly Wellwood Health team members today, and ask about our ‘Back to Self’ discount promo, and we’ll do our best to help you rediscover what makes you YOU.
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