What Is Reiki?

By Guest Author 8 years ago
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Chances are that if you’re searching around to see what Reiki is, you’re interested in improving your mental and physical health. Reiki is energy work that promotes stress reduction, relaxation and more. While not the most commonly known health fortifying treatment (yet), Reiki offers a variety of benefits and may be exactly what your body needs.

Reiki is a healing practice that originated in Japan nearly 100 years ago in 1922. It was created by a Buddhist Monk named Mikao Usui. Reiki uses the ideology that the Reiki therapist/practitioner can channel energy into their patient by means of touch and this, in turn, activates the body’s natural healing processes restoring both physical and emotional health. The term Reiki is a combination of two Japanese words Rei, meaning Universal life, and Ki, meaning energy.

There are 3 different levels of Reiki:
Level I: Is learning to use healing hands for yourself and others.
Level II: Is learning to use symbols to heal emotional energy and heal at a distance.
Level III: Is Reiki master, one who can train others.

To learn Reiki and become a practitioner of it, one must receive an attunement from a Reiki master. It’s very common to see therapists, counsellors, massage therapists, naturopathic doctors and acupuncturist add Reiki therapy to their skills set and offerings.

Reiki is not a massage technique. It’s not time consuming, nor does it require any preparation or special arrangements on the client’s end. Simply show up to your appointment. It’s also not associated with any set of beliefs, inclusive of religious ideologies. Meaning it’s a healing option available to anyone.

There are two different methods for Reiki, hands on and hands off. Most commonly used is hands on, where the practitioner lays their hands on the client to move unseen Universal energy. The goal is to move energy from a low state to a higher, healthier state. The practitioner isn’t moving energy from their own body, but rather acting as a conduit through which Universal energy flows through. Individuals who have low energy are said to get sick more often, feel run down and suffer from a severe decline in mood. If you’re currently dealing with any of those signs or symptoms, Reiki may be for you.

Reiki is great for anyone who has been feeling rundown and no amount of sleep, healthy eating or activity helps. Reiki is not recommended to replace anything prescribed by your healthcare practitioner, but rather be a healthy accompaniment. It’s also not meant to take the place of a medical appointment for any condition. Schedule your Reiki appointment in addition to your regular medical appointment. In fact, if you can, schedule it right after your doctor appointment to help you start feeling better and let go of the waiting room tension.

What you can expect at your Reiki appointment. While it’s going to vary depending on both the practitioner and the participant, when you schedule your Reiki appointment with a trained professional, you can expect to check in and then be taken to a private room that resembles a massage room. There you will lay down on a massage table and your practitioner will explain the process. This is the time to be open about what questions and concerns you have to better help them help you and to make you feel at ease with the process. Once the Reiki treatment begins you practitioner will place hands just above you starting at the head and working their way down the body including legs and feet.

If you have any questions about Reiki or would like to schedule your appointment here at Wellwood Health, feel free to reach out. Our resident Reiki practitioner Glenys, is extremely knowledgeable, a caring professional and would love to answer your questions and offer you a positive Reiki therapy experience.

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 Guest Author

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