Neuromuscular activation is a term used by physical therapists working to strengthening the brain to muscle connection. This brain to muscle connection happens naturally within the neuromuscular system when the nervous system (neural) and the muscular system (muscular) are working together [...]
Traditional Chinese medicine is one of the most ancient forms of medicine and is constantly evolving and adapting to suit your individual needs. After studying for many years to become confident in this art of medicine, I realised that I needed to help my patients to prevent their aches and pains [...]
In the years I saw clients as a nutritionist, I saw several common deficiencies. I was interesting to see their both surprising symptoms and their impact quality of life, career performance and everything in between. I loved getting to see the tremendous improvements all aspect of clients’ [...]
Mental health care plans are a plan provided by your local GP for people who may be suffering from a mental illness. What is a mental illness? A mental illness is a wide range of conditions that affect mood, thinking and behaviour. Anything from major depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive [...]
Chances are that if you’re searching around to see what Reiki is, you’re interested in improving your mental and physical health. Reiki is energy work that promotes stress reduction, relaxation and more. While not the most commonly known health fortifying treatment (yet), Reiki offers a variety [...]
Sleep is the new status symbol is our hurried, busy world with so much going on having the time to get a full night’s sleep is a luxury. We live in a world with more going on than ever inclusive of drowning in information, navigating new climate, living in denser cities the reduce our [...]
I recently discovered that chronically low calcium intake had been negatively impacting my yoga practice and overall pain levels for months. One thing lead to the next and I started figuring out ways to regularly incorporate calcium rich foods into my meals and snacks without consuming a ton of [...]
Two of the many important lessons you learn along the way in your yoga journey are that everything is connected and nothing happens by chance. These lessons were brought full circle for me in the last couple months. To back things up, I’ve practiced yoga for 18 years now. I began at the age [...]
One hurdle that keeps many people from practicing yoga is the terminology used in class. To hear the instructor say something you don’t understand, but somehow everyone else in class got it, can leave you feeling defeated. That’s definitely not what you want to get out of a yoga class. [...]
When temperatures are blazing we start looking for any possible way to cool down. Peppermint iced tea provides a double chilling effect. Not only is it cool in temperature, but our bodies translate peppermint to feel cold. Thus when you pair peppermint and ice you’ve got a tea that will [...]