Matthew, a Master Shaman, is a facilitator of healing, awareness and spiritual growth. He speaks the (vibrational) language of the heart. Often, when people hear him speak they say, “I did not understand what you were saying but at the same time I felt I knew what you were saying.” Some feel moved to tears by the familiarity of his words. This confirms that they have received a spiritual ‘heart transmission’; for Matthew is all about the heart. His words and songs are a direct transmission from his heart to yours.
In 2008, Matthew awakened to many spiritual gifts at the time of a profound spiritual emergence. After this he left a thriving clinical psychology practice in Australia to follow his spiritual calling across the world. He has been called to the Peruvian Amazon many times where his shaman friends call him an International Maestro and recognize that he has “The Medicine” (Spirit of plant known as Ayahuasca) in him. Maestros in the Shipibo tradition actively build relationships with the Spirits of Plants that they know to be healers and teachers. The Maestro’s songs (Icaros) are integral in their healing practices and when the Maestro sings ‘The Medicine’ dances in you, healing body, mind, emotion and spirit.
Matthew is blessed with the gift of song and he sings Icaros that heal and teach. The Icaros are a known bridge to the Spirit World and a pathway to receiving healing and teachings with the assistance of the Spirit of the teacher plants. The Maestro is your guide in the realm of spirit and the Icaros lead you on your journey. Matthew has been asked to share the Icaros in countries around our world for the benefit of those who cannot travel to the Amazon.
There are many many things that Matthew can ‘do’ and he is happy to share his many spiritual gifts with you to help with your questions and to facilitate healing.
Healing Ceremonies
In ceremony, healing power is transmitted through the Shaman’s icaros which are powerful chanting songs whistled or sung to repair broken energetic patterns and restore wholeness. Matthew has been asked to sing the Icaros in other countries for the benefit of those who cannot travel to the Amazon.
Matthew sings healing Icaros for individuals and groups. He has sung powerfully for gatherings of over 200 people. He travels and works internationally and sings healing ceremonies everywhere he goes. If you travel with him to the Amazon he will sing for you there also.
Amazon Shaman Adventures
Travel the Shamans Road to the Amazon with us. Meet our friend Maestro Armando, a Shipibo Shaman who has worked with the Medicine (Ayahuasca) for over 30 years. If you feel called to the Amazon the Maestro is waiting!
His friend Maestro Armando is a gifted shaman with over 30 years of experience as a traditional doctor in his community. Maestro Armando his wife Maestra Neida and their family have welcomed Matthew into their home, their family and their hearts. Matthew is recognised by shamans there as a Maestro and he is therefore uniquely gifted to guide you on your shamanic healing journey.
Intuitive Guidance & Emotional Healing
Matthew provides intuitive/spiritual guidance to those who seek. He has been asked for help on many levels including energy healing, clearing emotional blocks, intuitive readings and (mediumship) communication with loved ones who have passed. He integrates the knowledge and learning from a professional psychology practice and the gifts of healing and seeing to provide a unique fusion of modern insight and ancient wisdom.
Matthew employs his many skills, abilities and gifts to help you release emotional blocks. His gentle and supportive methods enable you to ‘feel your way through the emotional doorways and find your way to freedom from suffering.
Matthew has helped hundreds of people to free themselves from fear, stress, anxiety and depression by sharing with them self-healing skills that are easy to learn, quick and effective. Ultimately, Matthew shows up and seeks to be as helpful as is possible in this moment.
‘In this moment everything is possible and we have all the time in the world!’