Summer Body Confidence #12 Juice Cleanse

By Lucy Willis 7 years ago
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Cleansing the body a couple of times a year is a great way to reboot the system. It gives the digestive system a break, and allows the body time to process some of those stored toxins and extra fats.

A juice cleanse can give the body a break from the normal digestive load we put it under, it can also rid you of some bad habits, reset your digestion and give your inside a great clean up!

A few other benefits of cleansing are:

  • Supports the immune system;
  • Replenishes nutrients;
  • Produces weight loss and a reduction in those normally hard to budge areas;
  • Increases energy;
  • Reduces bloating, gas and stomach upsets; and;
  • Reduce cellulite.

There are many ways to cleanse the body and so many programs on the market that I understand why people become overwhelmed with it all. Choosing the right one is really going to come down to preference and time. If you are time poor and need something on the go then perhaps look towards a pre made juice cleanse that is delivered to your door. If you are up for the challenge and ready to give your juicer one hell of a workout then a do it yourself juice cleanse can be a lot of fun.

Here are my three recommendations to help you on your juice cleansing journey.


What i love about Juzcit is the fact that they include activated milks with their cleanses, this really helps you get through  some tough hunger times in the first few days of cleansing. They also have a ‘build your own cleanse’ option and Afterpay. Winning!

Sol Cleanse!

Sol Cleanse break their cleanses into levels and even have a ‘is this the right cleanse for me’ quiz. This quiz can help you decide on where to start and how hard to go in the beginning. Sol also have a broth and greens cleanse option which is great if you need more warming foods for yin or yang deficiencies.

Food Matters!

If you are ready for the juicing challenge and are ready to take it on yourself then Food Matters are my go to for Detox and Juice Cleanse programs. With downloadable shopping lists, meal plans and plenty of tips along the way, you are sure to find a program that suits your needs. My two favourites are the ‘3 day detox‘ and the ‘7 day juice challenge.’


Goals for the week – Try a 1 day Juice Cleanse


  Self Lovewellness
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 Lucy Willis

  (31 articles)

Pilates Instructor, Nutritionist, Wife of a Cowley, fur baby mumma of 3. Owner of Wellwood Health.